A3-ID3 Interior Design and Colour: The Colour Keyboards.

In this course we will approach the behaviour of colour in interiors in a progressive way, so that we can foresee the results that are achieved when we use colour. We will focus on the effects of colour in space and how it influences the person. We will learn how to handle the different colour keyboards: the sensorial keyboards that come from the world of art and the behavioural keyboards with which we modify architecture, reduce stress and introduce emotional and communicative dimensions into spaces. We will study the combination of colours and the digital tools and materials to manipulate them. In short, we talk about handling colour as a means of composition and a project resource because colour generates two great benefits on a social and professional level:

Social and economic benefits: The fundamental achievement of colour is to create environments that collaborate and favour the functions that are developed there. For example, on a physical level, the greatest benefit is the reduction of stress. Whether in work, commercial, health or educational spaces, the reduction of stress translates into greater personal performance, greater efficiency of treatments and greater concentration and attention. We are talking about an increase in profitability in all areas. On an emotional level, with colour we can reverse negative emotions, with the repercussions that this has on people. Finally, on a compositional level, with colour we introduce characteristics of our natural surroundings, a world that is coloured and from which we have totally distanced ourselves.

For example, if I live in a flat in the city centre and I paint my ceilings in blues that «look like skies», we will live a series of experiences: I will no longer feel «enclosed» in a box, the ceilings will seem higher and lighter, and finally we will experience an immediate relaxation, due to the presence of a «natural» element.

Professional benefits: managing colour in architecture is a differential fact. As construction and design professionals, we know that colour is a medium rarely used in interiors. Making innovative proposals, with the benefits and advantages described above, is a distinctive and valued factor.



  • To initiate specific training on colour in Interior Architecture, as a means of specialisation and professional differentiation.

  • To familiarise ourselves with the behaviour of colour at a spatial level and its influence on the person.

  • To get used to handle the different colour keyboards: historical, sensorial, abstract and behavioural.

  • To manage colour as a means of composition.

  • Practical knowledge of the colour selection process using digital and physical tools. We will see the chromatic schemes -how they are mixed-, the NCS system for classifying and naming colour, and the selection of colours using digital space and physical samples as the last step of the colour project.


Part One: Colour Sensory Keypads


  • Introduction to colour as a compositional mechanism.
  • Colour schemes: two, three and four colours.
  • Introduction to the NCS system as a universal language of Colour communication.
  • Computer Applications and NCS Colour Schemes.


  • By means of photos of interior spaces, using programmes from the Adobe environment, we will apply the theory learnt, so that we become familiar with the colour decisions we make: the Spatial sensations and the rules of their combinations using the chromatic schemes and the NCS standardised charts.

Part Two:
Constructive Keyboards:


  • General introduction.
  • To present the Constructive Keyboards, as colour concepts that respond to a tonality and a spatial situation, transforming the physical and emotional reality.
  • Learning to manipulate and manage these keyboards in various situations.


  • Manipulating various examples on digital support, and with the help of the Constructive Keyboards based on the NCS palettes, you will experience the behaviour of colour in space.

Part Three
: The Communicative Keyboards of Colour


  • The Communicative Keyboards are colour concepts that respond to a tonality and a spatial situation, introducing emotions and thoughts in space.
  • How to combine two colours by means of chromatic schemes.


Practice: We will see, using various examples, the different decisions that have to be taken in order to achieve the proposed aim, with a practical method of choosing and applying colour using the keyboards. To do this, we will manipulate photos on digital media, using NCS palettes and colour selection software as a basis. As far as possible, we will use real cases of the students.


NOTES: The student will have to be able to manage in one of the programmes of the Acrobat-Photoshop environment.

In this course we will become familiar with the behaviour of colour in interiors in a progressive way, so that we can foresee the results that are achieved when we use colour. We will focus on the effects of colour in space and how it has an impact on the person. We will learn how to manage the different colour keyboards: the sensorial keyboards that come from the world of art and the behavioural keyboards with which we modify architecture, reduce stress, and introduce emotions into spaces. We will study the combination of colours and the digital tools and material resources to manipulate them. In short, we talk about managing colour as a means of composition and a project resource.

For more information, click here.

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