A6 - Architecture and colour: colour and health.

During these times of confinement, man in general has been forced to become aware of his spaces, of their quality: whether they contribute to his wellbeing, whether they incorporate the most appropriate environmental conditions, minimising external pressure, etc. And the answer has been, in most cases, negative. The reality is that these «conditions» are those that are present in long-stay spaces, where people must spend long periods of time: schools, hospitals, internment centres, etc.

As architects, therefore, we consider the need to intervene in public spaces, creating a new concept of well-being, which we will call «renewed well-being».

From architecture and medicine, we propose to use colour as the variable with which to incorporate these extended «environmental» conditions, to provide effective and creative solutions with which to change human behaviour and the way people «feel» in spaces, in two ways:

  • By reducing stress.
  • Stimulating and favouring positive emotional states.

From medicine, we will learn to detect stress and negative emotional states, understanding the repercussions they have on the users of the spaces.

And from colour, we will see the tools or colour keyboards that allow us to mitigate these conditions and establish the most suitable physical and emotional conditions.

Because colour from the point of view of health generates two great benefits on a social and professional level:

Social benefits: Achieving stress reduction, whether in work, commercial, health or educational spaces, translates into greater personal performance, greater efficiency in treatment and greater concentration and attention. We are talking about a reduction of costs in all areas.

– Reversing or mitigating negative and unfavourable emotional conditions by stimulating positive ones. It is well known in the health world the importance of negative emotional states that have such an influence on people’s health and behaviour.

Professional benefits: For entities and properties, that the architect is able to «optimise» health, educational, business, internment, etc. facilities and spaces, with low-cost complementary measures, is a very important issue.


  • To initiate specific training on colour in Architecture and health as a means of specialisation and professional differentiation.
  • To familiarise the student with stress and negative emotional pictures: how they influence man both in terms of health and behaviour.
  • To introduce the professional to a constructive environment of architecture that moves at the level of the «sensitive»; we are talking about the emotional dimension of architecture and «environments».
  • Practical knowledge of the colour selection process using digital and physical tools.

Stress Reduction; Constructive Keyboards


  • The patterns of stress: how to detect them and their importance in a person’s behaviour.
  • Introducing Constructive Keyboards, as colour concepts that respond to a tonality and a spatial situation, transforming the physical and emotional reality.
  • Learning to manipulate and manage these keyboards in various situations.



  • Manipulating various examples on digital support, and with the help of Constructive Keyboards based on NCS palettes, we will manipulate colour in functionally different buildings, seeing the suitability of each keyboard.


Emotional states: the Communicative Colour Keyboards


  • The Communicative Keyboards: they are colour concepts that respond to a tonality and a spatial situation, introducing emotions and thoughts into the space.
  • Negative emotions and how to detect them: the importance in a person’s behaviour.
  • Learning to manipulate and manage these keyboards in various situations.



  • Manipulating various examples on digital support, and with the help of Constructive keyboards based on NCS palettes, we will manipulate colour in functionally different buildings, seeing the suitability of each keyboard.

NOTES: The student will have to be able to manage in one of the Acrobat -Photoshop- environment programmes and will be given the links to download the NCS digital palette. 

During these times of confinement, people in general have been forced to become aware of his spaces; whether they collaborate with his wellbeing, and incorporate the most suitable environmental conditions by minimising external pressure, etc. And the answer has been, in most cases, negative. The reality is that these «conditions» are those that are present in long-stay spaces, where people have to stay for prolonged periods of time: schools, hospitals, penitentiaries, etc.

From architecture and medicine, we propose to use colour as the variable with which to incorporate these extended «environmental» conditions, to provide effective and creative solutions with which to change human behaviour and the way people «feel» in spaces, in two ways:

– By reducing stress

– Stimulating and favouring positive emotional states.

From medicine we will learn how to detect stress and negative emotional states, understanding the repercussions they have on the users of the spaces.

And from colour, we will see the tools or colour keyboards that allow us to mitigate these conditions and establish the most appropriate physical and emotional environments.

For more information, click here.

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