Synthesis: One of the key points when we want to reform or change our houses, offices, companies, etc., is about colour. It is a question that cannot be answered quickly without first having made some previous decisions. We will begin by understanding what colour is and the use that the great painters and architects of Modernity have made of it. We will see what colours we can use, their sources and how they are used and manipulated. We will learn about the sensations they provoke depending on where they are applied – walls, floors, or ceilings – and the importance of light. Through simple examples, we will advance in a practical method to give guidelines and design atmospheres, from colour and with colour.
Junto con el curso anterior, tendremos los conocimientos y herramientas para iniciarnos en la aplicación y el uso práctico del color.
Dirigido a: todas las personas sin formación previa sobre color que estén interesadas en tener una guía para manejarse en el mundo del color.